About US
A New Kind of Dad ministry was started with the vision of helping men become Biblical fathers who loved God, and their families. One of the greatest needs is a Godly man in the home.
In Honduras, half of the children that we minister to live in a home without any male influence. Sadly many men make babies, then abandon the family. With an education, the mother and children live in poverty. Many of the children tell us there is no food in their homes.

Mark 6:34 tells us about Jesus seeing "a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd."
Nothing breaks our hearts more than seeing little children who are hungry and have no understanding of a loving God. It is our privilege to demonstrate the love of Jesus so they can see how much God loves them.
Our Story
Five years ago, God brought Maria into my life. When we met, I was impressed with her love for the Lord Jesus Christ and for others in her community. Maria had been doing ministry for many years as a public school teacher, mother, and grandmother.
A year or so after her husband was murdered, she began to pray for a husband. Not just any man would do. She prayed that God would give her a missionary who worked with children and who walked with God. She prayed for 18 years. During that time, she refused to date anyone because she was waiting for God to give her a husband.
After many months, it was clear that God had brought us together. On August 1, 2019, we married and began our new ministry in a small village near La Ceiba.

There is a tremendous need everywhere we look. These opportunities create lots of distractions.
Sharing the gospel is our main focus. Our target group is children. If we don't reach them before the age of 20, most likely, without a miracle, they will never come to know Christ.
At the same time, we have doors open to minister and share the gospel. This past year, four military policemen have come to know Christ.
We work through local churches to help them reach their communities.
God has provided us with a home that we use as a discipleship center.
Every Saturday, more than 50 kids show up to learn about Jesus. They sing and memorize Scripture, each lesson is about Jesus. Many of the kids haven't eaten breakfast. We send them home with full tummies.
Some of the things that we are doing to reach others with the gospel and help them grow in the Lord.
Teacher Training classes.
Saturday children's outreach.
Pastor training through Helios.
Discipleship classes for ladies.
Food distribution projects.
Christmas food baskets.
Military Police outreach.
Clothes closet for new babies.
Public School Ministry.
Weekly Prayer Meeting
Humility is a virtue more often praised than sought." Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Sunday School Teacher Training

Each participating church receives materials, crafts, and lessons. Each month, the teachers come for training and fellowship. We have 19 churches and over 700 children in attendance.
Children at learning to walk with Jesus.
Kids on Saturday Outreach

Each Saturday, children come to the Discipleship center for a time of worship, Bible study, and discipleship. They come with empty stomachs and leave full.
Community Outreach

Each Christmas, we reach out into our community to touch lives. Inflation has hit us hard. Prices on beans & rice and other food staples have more than doubled.
This past Christmas, over 270 families received food baskets.
Our Passion
Sharing the Love of Jesus
Everything we do is centered around the gospel because it is the best news in the world. We've seen many people come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
We are making disciples and seeing them reproduce in the lives of others.
Your prayers and financial support make all this possible.