Mission Teams
Give - Become a monthly partner.
$50 a month will help in so many ways. We can buy supplies, food, backpacks, and assist the needy.
Teams - Bring a team to Honduras and help us reach El Naranjo and Las Mangas with the gospel.
There are unlimited things for you to do. We have a way for you to use your gift for the Lord
If you are interested, send an email to tasetliff@gmail.com

Vacation Bible School
Supplies - Everything is imported so things are EXPENSIVE. We can use all sorts of things to make crafts such as construction paper, crayons, glue, scissors, tape, etc.
Blankets, good used clothes of all sizes, children's shoes, socks, are greatly needed. Toys, games, jump ropes, balloons, coloring books, are always needed.

Shippers - Zuleta Express,
5610 NW 12 Ave Suite 212 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 1-954-564-4991 or 1-800-665-2425.
You may need to do a web search for shippers in your area.
Adopt Us - Get your civic group, Bible Study group, Sunday School class, and Church involved. Pray for us and ask God what He would have you to do.
Pray for us - There is nothing more important that you can do than pray for us. We love hearing from you, so send us an email at tasetliff@gmail.com
Invite us - Let us come and share our ministry with your Church. Ask your Pastor to look at our page and ask him to invite us to come. We are all about sharing the gospel.